A customized treatment that includes deep cleansing and deep exfoliation, pick between Diamond microdermabrasion or Ultra-sonic microdermabrasion, includes two customized enzyme masks.
"Optional" Add-on: micro current and LED light. Great treatment to shrink pores and reveal instant glowing rejuvenated skin.
A very gentle non-abrasive treatment customized specifically for your type of Acne. Results are as soon as the first treatment, get sustainable benefits with a series of 6 treatments 2-3 weeks apart so your skin can balance back to its normal appearance.
Diamond micro & Retexturing facial. A safe, Effective and non- invasive method of exfoliation allows softer skin to move to the surface topped with pumpkin peel for brighter tighter glowing skin
Take ten years off instantly with this non-invasive 14 step treatment that is created by Timeless that includes RF, Micro-current Galvanic or Mesotherapy
Gentle layers applied to your skin with the perfect peel customized by Timeless specially for you. Treats many skin condition like melasma, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, age spots, Acne, large pores, saggy skin, fine lines and wrinkles
An aging facial is a targeted, specific facial that combines a range of noninvasive modalities to provide effective results on wrinkles, skin-tightening, hydration, brightening pigmentation, and overall signs of aging.
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